Helping You Live A Spiritual Life!

Sharing God's Word To Save Souls

Living Wisdom Ministry is an interfaith biblical ministry of dedicated, compassionate people who are anchored in the Word and share the Lord’s living wisdom spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We serve God with a heart of unity by guiding, leading, and teaching others that all blessings come from our Lord. Although trauma recovery is our specialty, we focus on balancing the whole-being of mind, body, and spirit.

Call Us For Counseling When You Need Someone

+ (1) 636-634-5454

Send us a Message With Request For Prayer Or Advice

Join us Us For Worship Services
(Online/In Person)



Please review the various
branches of ministries in how we can assist you.

LWM is born from heartfelt professionals coming together to minister in unique ways to bless our respective communities by serving the Lord. We address people as a whole; spiritually, emotionally, and physically with compassion for unity among Chrisitans. 

We are honored to offer a wide range of services and our ministers are dedicated to meeting the needs of church leaders and people where they are, by showing the love of Christ. 

Biblical Anointing / Baptism / Wedding

Biblical Anointing-essential oils date back to biblical times for healing, aroma, and during ceremonies. Frankincense and myrrh were two of the gifts from the Wiseman to Mary and Joseph. These oils are the life blood of the plant which are essential for them to grow. Therefore when distilled properly they contain the life force, intelligence, and vibrational energy that God created for us to have the plant’s healing powers. EOs are made of tiny chemical molecules which penetrate every cell in your body, even the brain when inhaled or used topically. The effects they can have on the mind, body, and spirit are amazing. God is so good! Our ministers are ordained to perform symbolic ceremonies such as baptisms and weddings and feel very honored to do so.

Equine Assisted Growth Retreats

Equine-During our retreats you will experience the healing therapy of horses as you interact with them. The demeanor of horses will help you experience love, trust, and boost your confidence. Whatever your need is horses can help.

Counseling Services (Biblical, Spiritual, and Emotional)

Counseling- our ministers are trained in Anointed Emotional Processing (AEP). This technique focuses on getting rid of a problematic thought, emotion, or behavior. The healing process is God focused while using essential oils, teaching brain education, and sharing humorous stories to assist the client in clearing the trauma so they can enjoy life again.

Prayer Meetings And Additional Meetups

Prayer meetings-LWM is devoted to sharing God’s word and helping you grow in your faith through our various prayer gatherings. Please check our calendar for upcoming events.

Biblical Life Education Seminars

Biblical Life Education- our ministers are happy to conduct life changing workshops such as healthy foods to eat, use of supplements, trauma recovery, life coaching, how to live the best life possible, and so much more.

Free Newsletter

Join Our Free Newsletter!

We love to share scriptures, resources, ideas for living free, and so much more! Please join us!

Meet The Team

Meet The Team - Starting With Our Founders

Dr. Pastor Patty;

Patricka Caldera also known as Dr. Patty or Pastor Patty grew up in a very small town in the Texas panhandle. She was Baptized young and her love of the Lord carried her through many, many trials.

Todd Dorsey

Alhough born and raised in Southern Illinois, Todd has called St. Charles, MO home for the last 30 years. Todd’s parents first took him to church as a young boy where he was introduced to what Jesus did for him on the cross.

Let Us Pray With You And For You!

Join Us For Prayer

Praying with you and for you is the number one goal for us!

No matter whether your trauma is caused by difficult people, unexpected situations, financial strain, relationships, or other, we welcome the chance to serve you.




I love being together with the volunteers and members of Living Wisdom Ministry, for prayer, guidance and fellowship!

John Davin

Wildwood, MO

Living Wisdom Ministry Rocks! I have both counselors and new friends to help me get throght the difficulties in life!


New York City, NY


Any amount is apprecited!

Give us a Call

+ (1) 636-634-5454

Send us a Message

About Us

Living Wisdom Ministry is an interfaith biblical ministry of dedicated, compassionate people who are anchored in the Word and share the Lord’s living wisdom spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We serve God with a heart of unity by guiding, leading, and teaching others that all blessings come from our Lord. Although trauma recovery is our specialty, we focus on balancing the whole-being of mind, body, and spirit. 

Legal Notification:

Living Wisdom MinistryA 508 (c) (1) (a)  A Religious CharityAll donations to a 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization (FBO’s)  are tax deductible to donors to the fullest extent of law. Section 170(b) of the IRS states donations are automatically tax deductible to “churches or a convention or association of churches.”

© Copyright 2023 Living Wisdom Minisry
All Rights Reserved

Web Site Design By: John Davin